Thursday 28 July 2011

Giving Blood Can Be A Tricky Proposition

So, I gave blood yesterday.  The usual pint, or 500mls.  I go every three months, but you can go every 56 days.  I have a tendency towards anemia, so three months plus an iron supplement it is.

I made the grievous error of not eating prior to my donation, and I think that decision paid off in spades.

I became a giggly doofus when I made my daily volunteer calls for Organizing for America.  Somehow the President turning 50 on the 4th was comedic gold.  It worked in my favour, because those who were available said they would definitely come to the Celebration Picnic on the 3rd.  Then I made fun of Speaker John Boehner (R) on Twitter (karynm5), because his name is BOEHNER, but he says it's pronounced BAYNOR.  Sure, dude.  John Boner would make you popular in the states where medical marijuana is legal, ya know.  I was and still am completely unapologetic for my shameful behaviour.  Maybe Rep. Allen West will call me out for not being a lady, but then he'd be in the same boat as my Dad.  HE'S been trying to get me to act like a lady since 1969, and nothing has worked, much to his chagrin.  Every now and then I trot out a dress to appease his delicate sensibilities, but I'm just being a tease.  I don't actually MEAN the dress, I'm just stuffed into the bloody thing.

This whole debt ceiling thing has gotten epic with the utter ridiculousness of the whole shebang.  Boehner needs to do some fact-checking before he tweets, and the Tea Party needs to calculate just what it would cost the average Joe to live in the US if it really were a pay-per-use system.  I mean if they don't reinstate slavery.  Because that's the only way to keep costs manageable in that type of system.

Sure, I was a little slap-happy after my blood donation today, but when I look at what's going on in Washington, I'm wondering if a kiss of vampires is feeding upon the Republican population.  That amount of blood loss is liable to make anybody a complete nutbar.

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